MM+M reintroduces Top Health Influencers program — with a catch
The program returns in 2024 as the Health Marketing Influencer 25, with an exclusive focus on the marketing executives whose voices resonate throughout the business.
The program returns in 2024 as the Health Marketing Influencer 25, with an exclusive focus on the marketing executives whose voices resonate throughout the business.
MM+M’s Health Influencer 50 program last ran in 2020. It’s coming back for 2024 — with a twist.
MM+M has reinvented the honorarium program as the Health Marketing Influencer 25. The revamped focus is designed to shine a light on MM+M’s core editorial audience of pharma, health, wellness, device and diagnostic marketers.
“With the healthcare marketing industry having maintained — and grown — its pandemic-era profile, it’s high time to reexamine the state of influence within the profession,” said MM+M editor-in-chief Larry Dobrow. “We can’t wait to explore the shifts in influence that have transpired since the start of the pandemic, and we can’t wait to sit down with the individuals who have helped engineer the tectonic marketing shifts of the last half-decade.”
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