Buyers Want To Trust Content. But Do They Value Yours?

Buyers Want To Trust Content. But Do They Value Yours? [New Research]

Buyers Want To Trust Content. But Do They Value Yours?

B2B tech buyers want trustworthy content. They also need to find value in that content.

Many find that combination illusive, according to a new research report from Informa Tech (registration required).

How can B2B marketers fill the trust gap so buyers might engage more, take more actions, and be more likely to become customers? The answer is pretty simple. Well, maybe.

Informa Tech provides market insight and data to businesses around the world (and, full disclosure, is part of the same parent company as Content Marketing Institute.)

Its new research report, the 2023 Trust in Marketing Index, looks at marketers in the United States and the United Kingdom. It measures the trust level of B2B buyers purchasing tech solutions in the content and marketing they consume from vendors.
